Saturday, May 28, 2011

Growing Pains

From my first shoot with Pearl, May '08
Skool's Out
We took a circular route through The Mojave National Preserve, beginning the day at the Evening Star Mine where I had mistakenly assumed there would be morning light, another lesson learned, don't assume the place you choose to start isn't backed by a huge mountain directly to the east. Growing pains! Luckily for me Pearl liked the photos enough to shoot with me again a few weeks later. 
By The Light Of Day
In the morning light right next to a foot path, never assume that since you are out in the desert there are not other people around. Shortly after this photo was taken a couple who had been camping out there walked right by us, we hadn't seen or heard them until they were just a few feet away.
Wait No More
I was loving the images we were creating and started working with Pearl semi regularly, I felt she had a look that worked really well with my style, plus she loves the desert!
More than a Muse, over the last couple of years she's been sounding board for ideas, (more like co-conspirator lol) but more importantly and also unfortunately for her, she's had to listen to me as I carry on a virtual love hate relationship with my work, and I can be a whiner! But I'm probably in good company when I admit going through growing pains, I doubt there's an artist out there that doesn't struggle a few days, or more a month questioning their work.
Desert Moon
I'm in a constant state of trying to improve, I read and study books and techniques, I'm basically trying everything I can think of to elevate my work.
Nature's Breath
Is it more growing pains when we self criticize or when we long to do better?
Ain't That Simple

A Finer Day
I feel better about my work then at any point in the past but still I know I have a long way to go.
Celebrate The Day
Kevin Russo was definitely on to something when he said... "In order to be a successful Photographer, you must possess both Vision and Focus neither of which have anything to do with your eyes."

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